Friday, December 31, 2010

Day 22: Singing

DAY 22: A picture of something you wish you were better at.

Although this picture kinda creeps me out, I think it does a pretty good job of creating visual aid for this new day of picture blogging. I've always wanted to be good at singing, because where it's at right now is far from pretty. I have the instrumental part of music down, but the singing has always been shotty (or AWFUL, depending on how nice you are) for me.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 21: Accidents

DAY 21: A picture of something you wish you could forget.

Hah...cheating again! This is another one I feel like I can't find the right picture for because it's something I couldn't capture in a picture. So, you'll have to deal with using your imagination again...

Here's the story. I wish I could forget it, but I remember all the details of it still, even down to the song I had playing in the car while it all happened. (Let's just say I don't listen to the song much anymore.) Like anyone living in Pennsylvania, once October hits the snow and ice become weather you have to pay attention to when driving. Last winter I was driving home from youth group and it was a typical freezing night that started off with rain during the day that once night hit turned into freezing rain. The last stretch of my drive home includes getting off an overpass that's at the top of a hill, and that night I wasn't paying attention to the icy roads as I was getting off the road. I saw brake lights ahead of me, but I didn't realize how slick the roads were until I went to use my brakes and I immediately started spinning. The moment happened so fast I didn't have time to remember what my dad had drilled into my head about the direction to steer when you're fishtailing, so I just let go of the wheel and spun into the guardrail and then the front of my car went into a bank of snow. I was freaking out and sitting in my car at the top of the hill perpendicular to traffic, and the car wouldn't start. I called my parents who barely understood what I was saying because I was in tears, but since they understood through my panic that the car wouldn't start and I was in the middle of the road, they told me they were coming to get me. My dad left to drive the quick two minutes over to where I was, and my mom stayed on the phone with me. I'm sure the scariest moment in my mom's life was while I was on the phone with her. She was trying to keep me calm, and I was doing just that until I saw a car crest the hill going the same fast speed I was and spinning towards me. In my panic, I screamed all this to my mom, which I'm sure was the worst thing I could have ever done to a mother. It was so terrifying to me because the car was flying at me and I could do nothing but sit there and wait to be hit. I'm not sure how the person driving did it, but they gained control of their car at the last second and just missed ramming into the side of the car. The whole scene is something I wish I could completely forget, because it was such a helpless place to be in. I've never been that scared in my entire life and I wish I could erase the memory completely. The other day I was driving out of my neighborhood with my mom and there was a lot of snow which caused the car to slide out of our control, and I freaked out because it just reminds me of that night last winter. If I could completely forget it, I would do it in an instant.

...So depressing! I thought the picture blog would be so much lighter than that! Well, on a more positive spin, I figured out how to get on my grandma's old school internet! Props to my cousin who figured it out, because my grandma is completely clueless in the technology arena. So, in between family visits and trying to find good trails to train on here, I'll be able to get some blogging in! :)


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Days 19 and 20 (double header!)

Since I didn't have the chance to post my picture for yesterday, I decided to do two today! I also would like to give a heads up for tomorrow until Sunday, because I will be venturing to my grandparents' houses in Michigan and the possibility of getting internet there is slim to none. At my dad's parents house, their neighbors do have WiFi (I tried explaining that phrase to my grandma and it took literally an hour) that's not locked, so if it's not too sketchy to take Francine (my laptop) to their front yard, I may have a chance for a few posts here and there!

DAY 19: A picture of you when you were little.

This picture is hilarious to me, because the personalities of my siblings and me are captured so perfectly! My older sister, Emily, is the bossy first child, I'm giving the photographer a nice mischievous glance (the summary of my childhood) and my younger brother, Pat, is the fun-loving, easygoing kid. And how about those matching sweaters?! And the sassy hand on the hip look Emily and I have going on? Priceless.

DAY 20: A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel.

I feel generic posting this, because everyone talks about going to Italy, but I really want to go! It is such a beautiful city with so much history, so much amazing food, and come on, so much romance! I definitely want to travel to Italy sometime and spend a few weeks or maybe even a month just living like a local and seeing all the sites of the country. Oh, and did I mention all of the Italian food?!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 18: Nubs

DAY 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.

Well, day 18 is going to be the day I break the rules and NOT post a picture on my PHOTO Challenge. Crazy, right?! Before you freak out, I'll explain myself. My biggest insecurity right now is a result of training for a marathon: the loss of my toenails. SO GROSS! And because they're gross, I'm not taking a picture. And don't go Googling "nubs" because you will just get disturbing pictures of people missing arms and legs and stuff. So, I'll spare you the nastiness and let you use your imagination for this one.

Yes, my nubs are my biggest insecurity. I realize it's temporary and they will eventually grow back, but until that happens, I refuse to look at my feet. Didn't like them to begin with, now I have to deal with nubs?! What a trial.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 17: Alpha Group

DAY 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I don't care what they say, Alpha 104 is the best Alpha group to have ever been produced at APU. Not only is my alpha leader, Tori, the sweetest, most amazing person ever, I have 9 of the coolest friends in this group that I wouldn't trade for anything! When I first found out at orientation that I would be assigned to this foreign group called "Alpha," I was nervous because every other group I've been placed in throughout my life usually turns out bad some way or another. Then I met the group, and surprise! It's the only Honors Alpha group. I then got ten times more nervous, what with my previous luck with groups and then finding out I was only with nerds. But even though my first impressions may have been a bit skewed, once I got to know these guys I found some of my closest friends at college so far. They have the best personalities and each one is so special to me in different ways, I just love them! They have impacted me so much already, and I know these friendships are going to last so much longer than just our Beginnings Alpha group. Knowing this, who can say they have a better group than me?! I definitely didn't get the short end of the stick for this one...I am SO blessed!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Day 16: Lim

DAY 16: A picture of someone who inspires you.

When I was in Cambodia this summer we met up with Lim and his brother Dara for our ministry projects. Lim is a pastor at a church there and he was such a cool person to get to know. He not only had the sweetest, kindest personality, he was also an awesome example of someone who really trusted in God no matter the circumstances. Sometimes he doesn't have the money to pay for his house, and with a wife and young daughter I'm sure that must be stressful. But Lim never quits trusting in God and this faith he has radiates into every other area of his life. He is such a positive person and the way he lives his life with such passion inspires me to live mine the same way!


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 15: Machu Picchu

DAY 15: A picture of something you want to do before you die.

This is so hard! I want to do about 305720954735 things before I die. Can I also add owning a red VW Bug and renovating an old house to the top of my list? I have so much to do! One of the things I know I definitely have to do before I die is visit Machu Picchu. I've always been amazed by how beautiful it is and I want to hike the Inca Trail to get there one day. It WILL happen! This place is beyond incredible and I want to get there the legit hiking up to it!


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 14: Pat (and a Christmas bonus blog!)

DAY 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

The person I could never imagine my life without is my partner in crime little (or bigger? that kid is BIG!) brother, Pat. From the beginning we were best friends and some of my favorite memories growing up are with this goof! He is everything I'm not, and it's crazy how much we click. Yes, even though we've had our differences, they always get resolved with a punch (back when I could beat him up!) or a smile. He may appear quiet at first, but once you get him going he is the funniest, wittest, craziest person I know and I'm so blessed to call him my brother! Peasy, life wouldn't be the same without you and I'm so proud to be your sister and to see all you have accomplished! You amaze me and I love you a LOT! Thanks for always being weird with me...jamming to loud music with the sunroof open in the car all those nights after Nexus in the summer, for intense ping-pong matches (including when you hit me in the eye...haha) in the basement, and for loving Psych just as much as I do! Best brother EVER!

...Well, that's it for the Photo Challenge update. Super sappy, my specialty! I haven't really posted a real blog in a while because of this photo thing (a nice coverup for me being lazy and BUSY), but I figured that it's been long enough that I should really throw in a legit post to keep some life in this thing! So, here it goes!

I got my Betty Crocker on today and had a Christmas cookie baking extravaganza all afternoon! I love to bake, and after being away from a kitchen for four months, I jump on any opportunity that gets me in an apron baking or cooking up a storm. Don't believe me that I actually have skills in the kitchen? LOOK AT THE PROOF.

Yay for Snickerdoodles! They are divineee!

Coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate...delish.

Chocolate chip pecan blondies...major hit!

My favorite part about the baking experience was what I got to do with the extras. (Hah, like my family ate all of that?! Even training for a marathon would not keep me from turning into a chunker after eating all of that...) My youth group went caroling tonight, and I took a big container full of goodies to the hospital and gave them to the nurses, doctors and staff on duty. It was such a cool experience to bring some Christmas cheer to the pretty depressing halls of the hospital. Even though caroling usually carries a negative stigma (at least in my mind) of over-the-top peppy do-gooders who need to lay off the caffeine, it is pretty cool seeing people open closed doors to listen. Although my voice alone would make them close the doors, the entire group blended into a great sound and the patients loved it! That just makes me smile. Blasting good music with some of my best friends on the way back to church didn't hurt either. I never would have thought Daisy (my lovely old Volvo) could pump the bass so well, but she did me proud! It was such a good night.

Maybe it took leaving home for so long to make coming back so much more enjoyable. You know, the saying that you don't realize a good thing until it's gone? I am just loving the snow and the chance to just relax with my family and friends completely school-free. I love school so much, but this break has been such a great time to slow down and really reflect on the last few months and everything that has happened. I know I'll be ready for the California sun in two weeks, but for now, I'm just loving home and Christmas and family and LIFE.


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 13: NeedToBreathe

DAY 13: A picture of your favorite band or artist.

This changes all the time, last week it was Mat Kearney and the week before that Jack's Mannequin. I'm a music junkie and I especially love acoustic chill stuff. But NeedToBreathe has some great music, and I love how they're not too popular. They write some good stuff!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 12: Hershey's Kisses!

DAY 12: A picture of something you love.

These things are the best thing Hershey has ever done for the world. I mean candy canes themselves are brilliant, but combining them with chocolate to make a Hershey's kiss?! Now that's a great idea, if I've ever heard one! These things are one of my favorite things about the holidays, they can't be beat!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 11: Feet

DAY 11: A picture of something you hate.

Yeah, I'm one of those kids who hates feet. I just think they're gross! Clean or dirty, I just find everything about them repulsive. Now that I've revealed that, please don't make it a point to go stick your bare feet in my face...I might throw up!


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day 10: Erica

DAY 10: A picture of the person you do the most messed up stuff with.

Hands down, Erica and I have done some pretty wacky things in our years of friendship. From weird baking experiences to actually TPing her own house together, we are so weird when we're together and I'm so glad I have her in my life!


Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 9: Loren

DAY 9: A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.

My dear buddy, Loren, has been a huge influence in my life. I've only known her a few years, but she has seriously impacted me so much. We not only laugh tons together, we have had some amazing talks too. I might even get to spend this next summer with her working at camp! I am so blessed to have her in my life and she has helped me SO much! I love you, buddy!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 8: Laughter

DAY 8: A picture that makes you laugh.

From day one of our trip to Cambodia this summer, Chris was a tired little boy. And not only is he hilarious when he's awake, this picture captures just how funny he is when he's asleep. It was a highlight of the trip looking to the back of the bus and seeing Chris passed out literally after only five minutes! It was so entertaining and I still laugh out loud thinking about all the memories associated with this time and the entire trip in general.

I just love laughter! It truly is the best medicine.


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 7: Tay Tay

DAY SEVEN: A picture of your most treasured item.

This is Tay Tay, my lovely guitar. We've had some great times together the last four years, and it was totally love at first sight. I mean look at that thing, she's gorgeous! Be jealous.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 6: Blake

DAY SIX: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Blake Mycoskie, the founder of Toms Shoes, seems like a pretty cool guy to trade places with for a day. Especially on a day we could be in a third world country distributing shoes! Blake's company is such a cool, practical way of serving people and really meeting a need. I would love to see what the work looks like in action!


Day 5: Memories

Being limited to the pictures I have on Facebook, and the daunting task of picking ONE favorite memory...that's just tough!

DAY FIVE: a picture of your favorite memory

This particular moment may not stick out exactly in my mind, but the location brings back some incredible memories. This is the place I've spent the last four summers of my life, my Summer's Best Two Weeks. Trust me, it lives up to the name. From camper to counselor, I've spent some quality time here and laughed so hard, worked so hard, and learned so much about myself. Some of my favorite memories will always be at the lovely Que and I hope to spend many more summers there to come!


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 4: Night

Well, isn't that convenient! The night I have to post a picture of my night I didn't have my camera...I'll just get creative and recap the night with such descriptive language you'll think you're looking through a photo album!

DAY FOUR: a picture of your night.

Tonight, my friend Maddie invited my friend Taylor and I to her friend Jill's (confusing, I know) house for dinner and games. I was a little hesitant to leave campus on finals weekend, because I have lots of studying to do. But, I went, and BOY am I SO GLAD I DID! First, we got to go to the cutest little house in Pasadena where Jill is living with some friends. The house is older but the artsy couple completely renovated it and it is gorgeous! I want to restore an old house someday, and this inspired me so much. Our super amazing host Jill instructed us on how to help her make dinner, which was not only an appreciated break from Caf food, but was also one of the best dinners I've had in awhile! We helped make pasta, garlic bread, and salad and got to hang out with her and the couple she lives with. SO FUN!

Then, game night! Everything from Kemps to Telephone Pictionary to our own version of Pictionary Junior...we laughed so hard and I loved getting to know Jill and her friends Tracy and Steve. Tracy even gave Maddie, Taylor and I stockings full of candy and goodies at the end of the night! I feel so blessed to have been able to go hang out with them and enjoy a home. College makes you appreciate it SO MUCH MORE! Even though I don't have actual pictures to show you how great my night was, you'll just have to take my word for it!


Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 3: The Office

DAY THREE: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.

Well, this one's obvious isn't it?! I quote The Office like it's my job, and I'm more than a little upset that the show is in its final season. But at least I have seven to rewatch and relive the good laughs...because this show is hilarious! I love the simple premise, and how Michael Scott and sidekick Dwight makes the normal office scene into something ridiculous. And who doesn't love the Jim and Pam duo? The sarcasm and wit those two have add such sanity to the crazy cast. Besides, what would the world look like without "that's what she said" jokes?! This show is the best part of Thursday nights (besides the prospect of a Friday coming soon) and I LOVE it! The list of quotes from this show is endless and hang around me for a few minutes and I'm bound to throw a few into normal conversation. An awkward show for an awkward was love at first episode.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 2: Annie

No, this is not about my roommate. I swear I have friendships that have lasted longer than 3 months...

DAY TWO: a picture of you and the person you have been closest with for the longest.

Although I barely remember the first time we met, Annie, I do love hearing the story from our sisters and parents! Em and Mer did the work for us, asking each other to play on the beaches of the Outer Banks over ten years ago. I still can't believe that you and I clicked as fast as we did! And us writing our phone number on a rock outside your house before we left the OBX? I am so glad our parents decided to stay in contact. I love looking back at all of the beach trips and random adventures we had together over the years and seeing how close we've stayed, despite never living in the same state! Our long distance friendship means the world to me and I'm so glad we're still friends today. Everything from our Lucy and Jenni code names, boardwalk pranks, to Yellowstone and kayaking together last summer, we always find ways to have fun and I'm so thankful for our friendship. You're the best!


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

30 Day Photo Challenge!

As every college student out there is well aware of, finals are amidst us! Even though just saying the word sends me into a bit of a stressed frenzy, the thing that keeps me going is the prospect of CHRISTMAS BREAK only a week away! Soon, I'll be sledding down huge hills in my backyard, drinking tea and wearing mittens for a whole three weeks! I can't wait to have a break and go home for longer than the four days I got for Thanksgiving break, but I'm also sad to be leaving APU for so long! My roommate, Annie, and I decided to start on a 30 day photo challenge on our blogs to dive fully into the blogosphere and to stay updated on each other's lives for the weeks we're apart...and you all get to join me along the way!

So. Let us begin!

DAY ONE: A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1. I love chai tea. Hot, cold, lattes, blended...I'm obsessed!
2. I'm extremely claustrophobic. Don't ever get me stuck in a small space...I will freak out.
3. I want to go to Australia REALLY BAD.
4. I hate feet. I don't really mind my own, but other people's kind of make me gag.
5. My favorite parts of the day are sunsets and late night stargazing. The stars are the best!
6. I play acoustic guitar, and I think it's super relaxing.
7. I really like straws. I don't like that awkward lip thing of trying to drink out of a cup without one.
8. Soccer is the best sport EVER. Field, indoor, beach, name it, I love playing anywhere!
9. I don't like the words moist, creamy, or crusty.
10. I love v-neck tee's a fact of life.
11. I'm a bit of a nerd and like to read... and sometimes I even like school!
12. I have an enormous fear of bugs. Even ants.
13. I'm super sarcastic.
14. I love taking off and landing in airplanes!
15. I'm a tomboy at heart and I just love being outside doing outdoorsy things!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Who would have thought it would take going away to college for me to ever strongly consider how I approach relationships in my life? Maybe it was the extensive amount of traveling I did this last week that has me thinking. But regardless, I’ve been doing plenty of it. And I LIKE it!

I knew that going to college across the country would prove interesting to the relationships I had with people back home. My friendships could no longer be based on face-to-face interaction because, well, besides a Skype conversation or two it wasn’t as easy to see people as before. I’ve done a pretty decent job with my closest friends, but going home really showed me how much relationships suffer when effort isn’t made to sustain them. Seeing friends I barely kept in contact with was awkward and I found myself noticing how little I knew about their lives anymore. I can’t blame the lack of contact solely on them; I know how to dial a phone or send a quick text. It all boils down to laziness on my part, thinking that friendships will be the same after three months of little to no conversation. At first I was angry to see how much things had changed; I didn’t understand how things fell apart and we were distanced so quickly.

And as I thought about this, I saw how this translates into all of the relationships in my life. I’ve never really been an openly emotional or affectionate person, and how my relationships play out can be evidence to that. I tend to keep people at a distance and keep the deep stuff to myself. I’m finding out that allowing my relationships with people to stay this way is only hurting me and blocking me from truly experiencing deep relationships.

Maybe I avoid these relationships because they’re difficult. Because they scare me. They require vulnerability of me, which is something I’ve never embraced. But by avoiding them, I’m hindering myself from growing and connecting with people.

Just like I witnessed with the people I saw over break, relationships are tough. They are never easy, and they require work and an unbelievable amount of patience. Ultimately, they demand love. And a lot of it.

I see how difficult it is to maintain these good relationships now. Maybe I’ve avoided them because I don’t want to work at them. But if I never put the effort into them, I’ll never really be able to have people in my life I can be myself with. Relationships are messy. They have all the potential in the world to bless or to curse. While they are costly, they are priceless in the end.

All this to say, I am really going to try and be more intentional about the relationships I have with people, at college and at home. Instead of getting caught up in laziness, excuses or busyness, I am working on fostering my relationships with people. If I ever want to see my relationships thrive, I have to work on them; they won’t magically turn great without effort on both parts. I have to want it.

And I do.

Friday, November 26, 2010


Today, I reconnected with several old friends. And it was the best. I just love the excitement of reunions with people you haven't seen in ages!

I saw that your true friends are the ones you can be separated from for months and still get together with and everything seems the exact same as the day you left. You can laugh and reminisce and nothing seems to have changed. Those are the keepers.

That's what I'm realizing on my first trip home from college. I'm drifting away from the friends that weren't my close friends and I'm finding myself even closer to others, despite thousands of miles and multiple months. And even though it's sad moving on, I understand that these friendships and relationships are part of my story. They have been placed in my life for a reason, and all of them have taught me something different about myself. As life is changing, and new chapters begin, I can appreciate the moments for what they were and move on. A new chapter has begun. Some of the people from the past will continue to be written into my story, but I'm letting others stay in the past.

Today, I got a glimpse into my past. And I'm choosing to take some friendships with me and let other ones go.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

What a day! Stuffed tummy full of Thanksgiving essentials (including my mom's signature crumble top apple pie?): check. Laughing with family until I literally cried: check. Extreme thankfulness at the end of this day for everything I have: double check.

My journey from one coast to another brought not only a big time difference adjustment (try being ready for dinner at 9pm...) but also a significant change in temperature. I'll admit it; three months in a warm fall/winter climate makes returning to the cold pretty difficult to adjust to. And, while I'm complaining, I'd also like to state that if I have to come home to cold weather, at least put a little snow on the ground! Icy rain junk for two days makes me feel like I belong in Seattle.

Nevertheless, being home is amazing. Not only is there no swipe of my meal card necessary to get into the fridge, but I also don't have to wear shower shoes in the bathroom! Crazy, right?! It's amazing what college does to you. As much as I love it, I can honestly say it is so nice being home. Free laundry, reunions with friends and family, and even a car!

Today, naturally being Thanksgiving, I realized more fully just how thankful I am to be home. I have missed my family so much and having everyone together again was the best thing ever! I loved crowding into the kitchen cooking and baking with my family, snuggling up next to the fire for Psych and Kung Fu Panda, and just catching up with my family. Thankful? Absolutely. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have them for my family.

And so my story goes. Memories, like my sister throwing lima beans and them sticking on my eyelids onThanksgiving 2010, are being written into my story each and every day. I'm so very thankful for the new ones that just keep being added. Even though the journey home was a bit lengthy, I wouldn't trade being home with my family on Thanksgiving for anything.

I'm thankful for a beautiful place to call home. I'm blessed and oh so thankful for a family that laughs at my goofiness and loves me regardless. I might even be thankful for this gross means I'm home, right?!


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well, here it is.

Meghan’s official return to the blogging world. No, I did not die. Yes, I do have a list of pretty impressive excuses for why I have been MIA for so long. Ready for just a few of them? I thought so.

I got busy.

…Isn’t that such a good excuse? I love using that one because it is universally accepted as the lamest possible excuse for anything in the world. I was BUSY?! Who ISN’T busy? Do I actually believe that I am so much busier than everyone else in the world? I’m embarrassed to even write that phrase because it really just boils down to one word: laziness. Since I’m on such a roll here, I’ll throw out another one just for kicks.

I ran out of things to write about.

Um, false. Have you talked to me in person lately? It is impossible for me to ever run out of things to say. I talk entirely too much. My brain is constantly going, even when I’m sleeping (don’t believe me? Ask my roommate about the creepy conversations I have in my sleep!). Even I don’t believe myself when I say this excuse. The day I legitimately run out of things to say is the day you should be very worried (or extremely relieved, because chances are that day will be the one I die) about me.

I could continue on this rant of thrilling excuses, but I’ll spare you the boredom. Maybe I should just pitch all of the excuses and just admit my failure to be a dedicated blogger and start over fresh. I was getting bored of the way I was blogging before, so maybe it’s time for a revamp of my goal of blogging and begin anew.

SO. Here it goes.

I guess the thing that inspired my return to the blogosphere was the reread I’ve been doing of Donald Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It seems to be my plane reading material…it got me through a 14-hour flight to Korea, and now it’s getting me through a red eye home from college for Thanksgiving. The book is one of my favorites, and I just love the premise of the book. Miller is such a creative and interesting writer, and even though a book written about stories seems like a bore, it is presented in such an interesting way I just love reading it over and over again.

The book talks mainly about how our lives, whether we realize it or not, are stories that other people are witnessing. All the things we choose to do add pages to our story, good or bad. Who knows if that actually sounds interesting to you, but it certainly is for me. I’m not going to spend time explaining the rest of the book, since I really think everyone should pick it up and read it for themselves. But the chapter I just finished and a conversation I just had with a friend really made me stop and think about the story I’m telling with my life. And Miller sums up what I’ve been feeling so well when he says, “Every life is a story. Whether it is a story worth telling and talking about, though, is up to you. People set out with grand dreams of changing the world, falling in love, doing something amazing. But the drift toward the merely acceptable happens almost without notice.”

You know. The life of just getting by. Making it to the weekend. Passing life, but not really living it. I just cannot stand the idea of doing this with my own life.

So this blog is my way of keeping myself accountable for the life I’m choosing to live to the fullest. By capturing the memories and big ideas in this blog, I hope to see my life come even more alive. I hope my story will get bigger and better with each day I live.

Everybody has a story. What’s yours?