Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

What a day! Stuffed tummy full of Thanksgiving essentials (including my mom's signature crumble top apple pie?): check. Laughing with family until I literally cried: check. Extreme thankfulness at the end of this day for everything I have: double check.

My journey from one coast to another brought not only a big time difference adjustment (try being ready for dinner at 9pm...) but also a significant change in temperature. I'll admit it; three months in a warm fall/winter climate makes returning to the cold pretty difficult to adjust to. And, while I'm complaining, I'd also like to state that if I have to come home to cold weather, at least put a little snow on the ground! Icy rain junk for two days makes me feel like I belong in Seattle.

Nevertheless, being home is amazing. Not only is there no swipe of my meal card necessary to get into the fridge, but I also don't have to wear shower shoes in the bathroom! Crazy, right?! It's amazing what college does to you. As much as I love it, I can honestly say it is so nice being home. Free laundry, reunions with friends and family, and even a car!

Today, naturally being Thanksgiving, I realized more fully just how thankful I am to be home. I have missed my family so much and having everyone together again was the best thing ever! I loved crowding into the kitchen cooking and baking with my family, snuggling up next to the fire for Psych and Kung Fu Panda, and just catching up with my family. Thankful? Absolutely. I still can't believe how lucky I am to have them for my family.

And so my story goes. Memories, like my sister throwing lima beans and them sticking on my eyelids onThanksgiving 2010, are being written into my story each and every day. I'm so very thankful for the new ones that just keep being added. Even though the journey home was a bit lengthy, I wouldn't trade being home with my family on Thanksgiving for anything.

I'm thankful for a beautiful place to call home. I'm blessed and oh so thankful for a family that laughs at my goofiness and loves me regardless. I might even be thankful for this gross means I'm home, right?!


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