Friday, November 26, 2010


Today, I reconnected with several old friends. And it was the best. I just love the excitement of reunions with people you haven't seen in ages!

I saw that your true friends are the ones you can be separated from for months and still get together with and everything seems the exact same as the day you left. You can laugh and reminisce and nothing seems to have changed. Those are the keepers.

That's what I'm realizing on my first trip home from college. I'm drifting away from the friends that weren't my close friends and I'm finding myself even closer to others, despite thousands of miles and multiple months. And even though it's sad moving on, I understand that these friendships and relationships are part of my story. They have been placed in my life for a reason, and all of them have taught me something different about myself. As life is changing, and new chapters begin, I can appreciate the moments for what they were and move on. A new chapter has begun. Some of the people from the past will continue to be written into my story, but I'm letting others stay in the past.

Today, I got a glimpse into my past. And I'm choosing to take some friendships with me and let other ones go.


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