Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Well, here it is.

Meghan’s official return to the blogging world. No, I did not die. Yes, I do have a list of pretty impressive excuses for why I have been MIA for so long. Ready for just a few of them? I thought so.

I got busy.

…Isn’t that such a good excuse? I love using that one because it is universally accepted as the lamest possible excuse for anything in the world. I was BUSY?! Who ISN’T busy? Do I actually believe that I am so much busier than everyone else in the world? I’m embarrassed to even write that phrase because it really just boils down to one word: laziness. Since I’m on such a roll here, I’ll throw out another one just for kicks.

I ran out of things to write about.

Um, false. Have you talked to me in person lately? It is impossible for me to ever run out of things to say. I talk entirely too much. My brain is constantly going, even when I’m sleeping (don’t believe me? Ask my roommate about the creepy conversations I have in my sleep!). Even I don’t believe myself when I say this excuse. The day I legitimately run out of things to say is the day you should be very worried (or extremely relieved, because chances are that day will be the one I die) about me.

I could continue on this rant of thrilling excuses, but I’ll spare you the boredom. Maybe I should just pitch all of the excuses and just admit my failure to be a dedicated blogger and start over fresh. I was getting bored of the way I was blogging before, so maybe it’s time for a revamp of my goal of blogging and begin anew.

SO. Here it goes.

I guess the thing that inspired my return to the blogosphere was the reread I’ve been doing of Donald Miller’s book A Million Miles in a Thousand Years. It seems to be my plane reading material…it got me through a 14-hour flight to Korea, and now it’s getting me through a red eye home from college for Thanksgiving. The book is one of my favorites, and I just love the premise of the book. Miller is such a creative and interesting writer, and even though a book written about stories seems like a bore, it is presented in such an interesting way I just love reading it over and over again.

The book talks mainly about how our lives, whether we realize it or not, are stories that other people are witnessing. All the things we choose to do add pages to our story, good or bad. Who knows if that actually sounds interesting to you, but it certainly is for me. I’m not going to spend time explaining the rest of the book, since I really think everyone should pick it up and read it for themselves. But the chapter I just finished and a conversation I just had with a friend really made me stop and think about the story I’m telling with my life. And Miller sums up what I’ve been feeling so well when he says, “Every life is a story. Whether it is a story worth telling and talking about, though, is up to you. People set out with grand dreams of changing the world, falling in love, doing something amazing. But the drift toward the merely acceptable happens almost without notice.”

You know. The life of just getting by. Making it to the weekend. Passing life, but not really living it. I just cannot stand the idea of doing this with my own life.

So this blog is my way of keeping myself accountable for the life I’m choosing to live to the fullest. By capturing the memories and big ideas in this blog, I hope to see my life come even more alive. I hope my story will get bigger and better with each day I live.

Everybody has a story. What’s yours?

1 comment:

  1. I'm so pumped you're picking up blogging again! You know I'm a fan of your life story and I canNOT wait to hear about the journey...I'll have to pick up that book once the semester ends too!
