Wednesday, December 8, 2010

30 Day Photo Challenge!

As every college student out there is well aware of, finals are amidst us! Even though just saying the word sends me into a bit of a stressed frenzy, the thing that keeps me going is the prospect of CHRISTMAS BREAK only a week away! Soon, I'll be sledding down huge hills in my backyard, drinking tea and wearing mittens for a whole three weeks! I can't wait to have a break and go home for longer than the four days I got for Thanksgiving break, but I'm also sad to be leaving APU for so long! My roommate, Annie, and I decided to start on a 30 day photo challenge on our blogs to dive fully into the blogosphere and to stay updated on each other's lives for the weeks we're apart...and you all get to join me along the way!

So. Let us begin!

DAY ONE: A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.

1. I love chai tea. Hot, cold, lattes, blended...I'm obsessed!
2. I'm extremely claustrophobic. Don't ever get me stuck in a small space...I will freak out.
3. I want to go to Australia REALLY BAD.
4. I hate feet. I don't really mind my own, but other people's kind of make me gag.
5. My favorite parts of the day are sunsets and late night stargazing. The stars are the best!
6. I play acoustic guitar, and I think it's super relaxing.
7. I really like straws. I don't like that awkward lip thing of trying to drink out of a cup without one.
8. Soccer is the best sport EVER. Field, indoor, beach, name it, I love playing anywhere!
9. I don't like the words moist, creamy, or crusty.
10. I love v-neck tee's a fact of life.
11. I'm a bit of a nerd and like to read... and sometimes I even like school!
12. I have an enormous fear of bugs. Even ants.
13. I'm super sarcastic.
14. I love taking off and landing in airplanes!
15. I'm a tomboy at heart and I just love being outside doing outdoorsy things!

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