Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 2: Annie

No, this is not about my roommate. I swear I have friendships that have lasted longer than 3 months...

DAY TWO: a picture of you and the person you have been closest with for the longest.

Although I barely remember the first time we met, Annie, I do love hearing the story from our sisters and parents! Em and Mer did the work for us, asking each other to play on the beaches of the Outer Banks over ten years ago. I still can't believe that you and I clicked as fast as we did! And us writing our phone number on a rock outside your house before we left the OBX? I am so glad our parents decided to stay in contact. I love looking back at all of the beach trips and random adventures we had together over the years and seeing how close we've stayed, despite never living in the same state! Our long distance friendship means the world to me and I'm so glad we're still friends today. Everything from our Lucy and Jenni code names, boardwalk pranks, to Yellowstone and kayaking together last summer, we always find ways to have fun and I'm so thankful for our friendship. You're the best!


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