Monday, December 27, 2010

Day 18: Nubs

DAY 18: A picture of your biggest insecurity.

Well, day 18 is going to be the day I break the rules and NOT post a picture on my PHOTO Challenge. Crazy, right?! Before you freak out, I'll explain myself. My biggest insecurity right now is a result of training for a marathon: the loss of my toenails. SO GROSS! And because they're gross, I'm not taking a picture. And don't go Googling "nubs" because you will just get disturbing pictures of people missing arms and legs and stuff. So, I'll spare you the nastiness and let you use your imagination for this one.

Yes, my nubs are my biggest insecurity. I realize it's temporary and they will eventually grow back, but until that happens, I refuse to look at my feet. Didn't like them to begin with, now I have to deal with nubs?! What a trial.


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