Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 14: Pat (and a Christmas bonus blog!)

DAY 14: A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without.

The person I could never imagine my life without is my partner in crime little (or bigger? that kid is BIG!) brother, Pat. From the beginning we were best friends and some of my favorite memories growing up are with this goof! He is everything I'm not, and it's crazy how much we click. Yes, even though we've had our differences, they always get resolved with a punch (back when I could beat him up!) or a smile. He may appear quiet at first, but once you get him going he is the funniest, wittest, craziest person I know and I'm so blessed to call him my brother! Peasy, life wouldn't be the same without you and I'm so proud to be your sister and to see all you have accomplished! You amaze me and I love you a LOT! Thanks for always being weird with me...jamming to loud music with the sunroof open in the car all those nights after Nexus in the summer, for intense ping-pong matches (including when you hit me in the eye...haha) in the basement, and for loving Psych just as much as I do! Best brother EVER!

...Well, that's it for the Photo Challenge update. Super sappy, my specialty! I haven't really posted a real blog in a while because of this photo thing (a nice coverup for me being lazy and BUSY), but I figured that it's been long enough that I should really throw in a legit post to keep some life in this thing! So, here it goes!

I got my Betty Crocker on today and had a Christmas cookie baking extravaganza all afternoon! I love to bake, and after being away from a kitchen for four months, I jump on any opportunity that gets me in an apron baking or cooking up a storm. Don't believe me that I actually have skills in the kitchen? LOOK AT THE PROOF.

Yay for Snickerdoodles! They are divineee!

Coconut macaroons dipped in chocolate...delish.

Chocolate chip pecan blondies...major hit!

My favorite part about the baking experience was what I got to do with the extras. (Hah, like my family ate all of that?! Even training for a marathon would not keep me from turning into a chunker after eating all of that...) My youth group went caroling tonight, and I took a big container full of goodies to the hospital and gave them to the nurses, doctors and staff on duty. It was such a cool experience to bring some Christmas cheer to the pretty depressing halls of the hospital. Even though caroling usually carries a negative stigma (at least in my mind) of over-the-top peppy do-gooders who need to lay off the caffeine, it is pretty cool seeing people open closed doors to listen. Although my voice alone would make them close the doors, the entire group blended into a great sound and the patients loved it! That just makes me smile. Blasting good music with some of my best friends on the way back to church didn't hurt either. I never would have thought Daisy (my lovely old Volvo) could pump the bass so well, but she did me proud! It was such a good night.

Maybe it took leaving home for so long to make coming back so much more enjoyable. You know, the saying that you don't realize a good thing until it's gone? I am just loving the snow and the chance to just relax with my family and friends completely school-free. I love school so much, but this break has been such a great time to slow down and really reflect on the last few months and everything that has happened. I know I'll be ready for the California sun in two weeks, but for now, I'm just loving home and Christmas and family and LIFE.


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