Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 4: Night

Well, isn't that convenient! The night I have to post a picture of my night I didn't have my camera...I'll just get creative and recap the night with such descriptive language you'll think you're looking through a photo album!

DAY FOUR: a picture of your night.

Tonight, my friend Maddie invited my friend Taylor and I to her friend Jill's (confusing, I know) house for dinner and games. I was a little hesitant to leave campus on finals weekend, because I have lots of studying to do. But, I went, and BOY am I SO GLAD I DID! First, we got to go to the cutest little house in Pasadena where Jill is living with some friends. The house is older but the artsy couple completely renovated it and it is gorgeous! I want to restore an old house someday, and this inspired me so much. Our super amazing host Jill instructed us on how to help her make dinner, which was not only an appreciated break from Caf food, but was also one of the best dinners I've had in awhile! We helped make pasta, garlic bread, and salad and got to hang out with her and the couple she lives with. SO FUN!

Then, game night! Everything from Kemps to Telephone Pictionary to our own version of Pictionary Junior...we laughed so hard and I loved getting to know Jill and her friends Tracy and Steve. Tracy even gave Maddie, Taylor and I stockings full of candy and goodies at the end of the night! I feel so blessed to have been able to go hang out with them and enjoy a home. College makes you appreciate it SO MUCH MORE! Even though I don't have actual pictures to show you how great my night was, you'll just have to take my word for it!


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