Sunday, December 26, 2010

Day 17: Alpha Group

DAY 17: A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently.

I don't care what they say, Alpha 104 is the best Alpha group to have ever been produced at APU. Not only is my alpha leader, Tori, the sweetest, most amazing person ever, I have 9 of the coolest friends in this group that I wouldn't trade for anything! When I first found out at orientation that I would be assigned to this foreign group called "Alpha," I was nervous because every other group I've been placed in throughout my life usually turns out bad some way or another. Then I met the group, and surprise! It's the only Honors Alpha group. I then got ten times more nervous, what with my previous luck with groups and then finding out I was only with nerds. But even though my first impressions may have been a bit skewed, once I got to know these guys I found some of my closest friends at college so far. They have the best personalities and each one is so special to me in different ways, I just love them! They have impacted me so much already, and I know these friendships are going to last so much longer than just our Beginnings Alpha group. Knowing this, who can say they have a better group than me?! I definitely didn't get the short end of the stick for this one...I am SO blessed!


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