Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 25: My day

DAY 25: A picture of your day.

Hmm...how believable is it that I took this actual picture today? I mean, the fact that it is sunny in this picture doesn't seem too convincing, since the sun only makes an appearance in this state like twice a year. Hey, maybe today was one of the two lucky days! And, if you looked close enough, I'm sure you would totally find Daisy, my lovable old Volvo station wagon in the parking lot. Yep. I'm starting to believe it myself!

Regardless of the validity of me actually taking this picture, this is a legit shot of the Whole Foods I went to today with my mom. Isn't it a beauty?! I just love this store. It is like Disneyland for food! You can enter a starving human being and leave a stuffed, happy individual simply from the samples they have scattered around the store. I hadn't been to the one in Pittsburgh in ages, so it was super fun to go and shop and just enjoy the wonder of that place. The actual highlight of the trip was walking back to the car at 11 A.M. and almost being hit by a drunk guy in an old beater van. Now THAT was thrilling!

After my adventure into the wonderful food oasis of Whole Foods, I hung out for a little bit then attempted to clean my room. (FAIL for two reasons. One: it is a daunting task after not cleaning it for multiple weeks. Two: I had a laptop and a season of The Office on my computer...you can guess how that story ends.) After that fiasco, I went to the mall with my friend Sam and we shopped and ate and even squeezed a movie in. It was lovely! I just love that girl.

My day. In a nutshell. Hey, I thought it was a great Tuesday. It's my last one at home for a very long time!


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