Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 26: Laughing

DAY 26: A picture of something that means a lot to you.

You know what means a lot to me? My friends. And having friends you can be stupid with and laugh with until your stomach hurts. Having those types of people in your life that are as ridiculous as you are and don't judge you when you do stupid things. It means the world to me to have friends who I'm close to that understand who I am and love me, quirks and all. There is something so special about laughing with good friends, and it makes such a difference in my life having people to laugh with. And especially as I'm caught between two worlds of college and my home, it's so nice knowing that I can come home for breaks and get together with friends and just catch up and laugh and be stupid with them. You know they're true friends when you eat pretzels for five hours and talk about our middle school crushes and our favorite TV shows. These moments I wish I could take snapshots of my life and replay them throughout my life so I never forget the friendship I've found. I just wish I could capture all of our times together and keep them forever! It is so rare to find friends like these, and I thank God everyday that I'm blessed with their company and the laughter we create each time we're together.


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